会場のご案内 / Venue
京都府丹後文化会館(〒627-0012 京丹後市峰山町杉谷1030番地)
■6月15日(日)夕刻(第25回日本抗加齢医学会総会終了後) 大阪国際会議場出発→KISSUIEN到着
■6月19日(木)昼頃 京都府丹後文化会館出発→京都駅→大阪駅
ニッポンレンタカー「宮津天橋立店」宮津駅 北口から徒歩1分
Kyotango City Tourism Association, Official web site
Kyoto Prefecture Tango Performing Arts Theater(1030 Mineyamacho Sugitani, Kyotango, Kyoto 627-0012)
Station:Kyoto Tango railway「Mineyama」station, walk 5 minutes
We plan to operate a shuttle bus to the venue according to the following schedule:
■June 15 (Sun), Evening
(After the conclusion of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine)Osaka International Convention Center → KISSUIEN
■June 19 (Thu), Around Noon
Tango Performing Arts Theater → Kyoto Station → Osaka Station
Getting Here and Around (from Kyoto)
Caution: The map below shows "Amino", but the nearest station is "Mineyama" station.

By train