ごあいさつ / Greeting
President Hitoshi Yaku
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Welcome to Kyotango, Japan.
On behalf of the Committee of the First World Longevity Summit(WLS), I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the researcher and members to participate the meeting.
It is our great pleasure to co-host the promotion council of health, beauty and longevity, in collaboration with the chief of many cities and towns. This summit aims to promote understanding of well-being in global aging and aged societies.
Japan is one of the most aged societies in the world, and many countries in Europe are now aged societies. The number of patients with several disease in the elderly is increasing, and we would like to address the importance of health in daily life in aging and aged societies.
The Kyotango area ( Kyotango city, Miyadzu city, Yosano town, Ine town) locates northern area of Kyoto prefecture, and famous for high number of centenarians, with more than 200 per 100,000 individuals, marking it as one of the notable areas for longevity in Japan. Since our university has the branch hospital and affiliate hospitals in this area, we have started to explore the mechanism of healthy longevity since 2017. From the research of the "Kyotango Longevity Cohort Study", our research group has found several longevity factors. Some of them have already published and have been widely reported in the media. Optimal medical treatment, and innovative approaches are ongoing now. Since our data is extremely useful for researchers and citizens, we would like to share our cutting-edge research and discuss in this summit toward the well-being around the world.
I strongly encourage you to join this the First World Longevity Summit.
Hitoshi Yaku